We strive to offer you outstanding childcare at a competitive but affordable price. Open Term Time ONLY, we charge £6.15 an hour and we take payment at the end of the month for the total hours that your child is with us.Â
9am to 4pm
(6 Hours)
9am to 12 noon
(3 Hours)
1pm to 4pm
(3 Hours)
No upfront fees
No illness fees
FEEE Funding
Your child may also be eligible for some funding and we’ve listed some information about the government childcare schemes below to help you make an informed decision.Â
Childcare costs can be daunting but there are a number of schemes available which many families can use to help reduce their childcare costs. Your eligibility for these support schemes is dependent on factors such as household income, the number of children you have and the number of hours you work. It’s important to remember that any funded care doesn’t include meals and extras like day trips. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us so we can discuss things further.Â
Your child maybe be eligible for 15 hours a week of free childcare or early education for 38 weeks if you are living in England and are receiving support from one of the following benefits:Â
or, if the child aged 2 years –Â
(The above lists are provided by https://www.gov.uk/help-with-childcare-costs/free-childcare-2-year-olds)
All families in England with children aged 3-4 years old are eligible for 15 hours of free childcare or early education for 38 weeks of the year. This is a total of 570 hours per year that you can use flexibly with one or more childcare providers.
Children aged 3-4 from working families in England may be eligible for 30 hours of free childcare or early education for 38 weeks. This is a total of 1,140 hours per year, that you can use flexibly with one or more childcare providers. You may be eligible for this if:
(You won’t be able to get 30 hours free childcare if either you, or your partner, each individually expect to earn £100,000 or more).Â