It’s time to start our day here at Co-operative Play and Learn, here’s what our daily routine looks like!
We’ve structured our routine to include a variety of activities. We want to help them to learn that self care is very important. To do this we’ve included some time for teeth cleaning during the morning and this will reinforce both at preschool and at home how important it is to take care of your teeth. We also offer breakfast here for £1.20 a morning per child, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Throughout the day we have snack times to keep the children fuelled up for all the fun and learning they will be doing. We do lots of reading, singing and free play indoors and outdoors too.
We start our day and enjoy some yummy breakfast with friends, if you aren’t joining us for breakfast that’s okay, this time is also for the children to play. We offer breakfast for £1.20 a morning per child, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Our Free Play time is a chance for our children to let their imaginations run wild, for them to express themselves through our different activities such as tactile play, art and roleplay with the other children.
We dance and sing and have so much fun. It’s been a busy day so far, so after this we go for a snack after we’ve used up lots of energy having fun together.
Snack time is for everyone! Our children and staff all come together for a healthy and happy experience.
We provide balanced options, offering a carbohydrate, dairy and fresh fruit and veg option to help give the children a slow release of energy throughout the day.
All of our snacks and meal times follow the ‘Eat Better Start Better’ programme and we always meet the food and drink Early Years guidelines.
Time for the kids to blow off some steam, run around, play and have fun!
“Let’s make time for unorganised, unstructured, free play. Let’s plan not to plan. Let’s
allow our children the freedom to explore the unscripted beauty of childhood, where
creativity, imagination, and curiosity live.” – Shirra Baston
At preschool we mostly let the children lead but in these sessions, we lead the children to help them learn and grow. We have ‘Fun Time’ sessions, these are small structured adult led activities to support children’s communication and listening skills. The children’s favourite activity is the ‘Balloon Pop’. This is where the children race to see who can pump the balloon up the fastest until it pops.
We have lots of free play sessions throughout the day. This allows the children to choose what they’d like to do, giving little ones opportunities to improve their motor skills and form ideas which they can explore.
Brushing your teeth is so important and we add this into our daily routine to reinforce that both at home and in other settings, it’s important to make sure your teeth are clean and healthy!
We are part of the Healthy Teeth Happy Smiles campaign to promote children’s health.
Inside we have most things available so that they can be accessed by the children independently. Being together in a small group allows them to develop their communication skills through role play and games.
Adults and children will share various books to promote language skills, imagination, ideas and cultures. We use and make various props to go alongside the story so everyone can actively take part if they’d like.
“They are vital for all children, and especially so in their early years.
Here are some of the many things stories can do:
■ Entertain and inform.
■ Develop empathy for other people’s situations.
■ Extend vocabulary and patterns of language” – Nursery World
Tidy up and home time for those that leave us at midday.
Everyone comes together at Dinner Time to enjoy some tasty food to re-fuel for the day.
Lots of time to learn and play!
We have a super fun group singing session multiple times a day.
More time for free play, learn and play is important, and of course FUN!
We have a super fun group singing session multiple times a day.
“Not only do children learn new words, actions, social skills, it makes them
HAPPY. Singing out loud releases feel good hormones called endorphins that
make you feel happy and positive. We use and make props to help the children to learn rhythm and beats.” – Angela Wetton
We offer many sessions throughout the day for free play, this could be indoor or outdoor weather dependant. We also have access to a larger playing field behind the pre-school which we utilise for various activities.
It’s time to lead our children, to help them learn and grow. We have a few different types of our adult led learning. One of the things we do is music and movement sessions. These are super engaging and high energy, using different materials to enhance the sensory experience. Encouraging the children to express themselves through different genres of music and sounds.
“Curiosity to learn, make choices, problem solve and explore deeper. Also to share
experiences and follow interests in a safe small group.” – Angela Wetton
We have a few snacks during the day to make sure everyone is happy and full of energy!
“Promotes independence as they learn to pour their own drinks, spread crackers,
have choices and share” – Angela Wetton
More free play!
It’s time to read stories together, look at our favourite books and enjoy some calming time before the end of our day.
We reflect on our day together as we wait for our families to come and collect their children. We say goodbye and say what a lovely day we’ve had.
We tidy everything up and make sure we’re all setup for the next day. After tidying up we offer free play until it’s home time.
We have spaces available now for your little ones aged 2 to 5 years!
Simply book a visit by clicking here or
Call us on 07443606287 or
Give us an email at cooperativeplayandlearn@gmail.com
To reserve and book your visit!