Helping pupils to make healthier choices

Want to inspire your pupils to make healthier choices?

Featuring engaging AR technology, The NHS Food Scanner app can be used in the classroom to create a fun and interactive learning experience! Scanning barcodes will bring sugar, salt and saturated fat to life to help pupils visualise what’s in their food.

Our new Scan, Swipe, Swap activities toolkit is also packed full of exciting health hacks and fun, bite-sized activities to help young people make healthier swaps.

Look out for a class set of take-home leaflets with your school fruit and veg delivery to inspire pupils and their families to make healthier swaps at home. Order more here and you’ll also receive free classroom display assets and an Eatwell Guide poster. Want to go paperless? You can access a digital leaflet via the School Zone.

Alternatively, call: 0300 123 1002 or email:
